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3 min

5 Ways to Boost Productivity at Work

Do you ever find that there aren’t enough hours in the day and you’re not getting enough done? If so, your work habits need a reboot! It is easy to be distracted, lose track of time, and get behind on projects. So how do you boost productivity at work?

You can start by implementing five tips into your workday.

1.) Take a break

You may think ploughing through work without a break is the only way to get work done, but this does the opposite. It is unhealthy and counterproductive to spend hours working without a break. Take 5-minute breaks every few hours to get up, walk around, or take your eyes off your computer screen. This also applies to your time outside of work, don’t constantly check emails and make sure you create time for yourself. Both efforts will enable you to disconnect from work and refresh your brain and energy.

2.) Stop Multitasking

Focus is key if you want to boost productivity at work. Drinking your coffee while analyzing data and emailing your boss reports at the same time can seem like the only way to get all of your tasks done. However, this is not true! When you multitask, you don’t give 100% of your attention to important tasks, which may cause more work. Multi-tasking can make you feel like you’re not getting anything done. Try and finish one task at a time, making you feel like you have accomplished more.

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3.) Prioritise

Make time in the morning and another time midway through the day to prioritise what you have to get done for the day. Don’t feel the need to jump right in when you get to work; make a prioritised list of your tasks and complete them one at a time based on their importance.

4.) Avoid Distractions and Interruptions

While interaction with coworkers is an important part of workplace culture, try to minimise interruptions when you are hard at work on a specific task. Protect your time, whether that means shutting your door, putting up a sign on your cube, or just letting people know you’re in the middle of a task. Also, avoid constantly checking social media sites unless it is part of your job. Leaving Facebook/ Twitter upon your browser the entire day will only lead to more distractions.

5.) Control Your Email

A lot of people have instant notifications that pop up when they receive an email, this does not contribute to productivity. Feeling the need to drop what you’re doing and immediately respond to every email only distracts you from the task at hand. Try and set aside times throughout the day that you check your emails and spend the time you need to respond.

Feeling overwhelmed and unproductive at work is a feeling many experiences throughout the day; practising these simple tips will help you eliminate that feeling and get back on the path to productivity.

Content by Celarity

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